17 Aralık Öncesinde AKP ve Beklentiler:
This paper discusses expectation of the Turkish public opinion before
Decembe 17th, the European Summit (Turkish November, 2004)
3. Yasama Yılının Başlangıcında AKP:
This paper aims to present opportunities and threats towards the AKP
government in its third year of government. (Turkish,
August, 2004)
“Dünün Dünyası”ndan Ulus-ötesi Gençliğe:
This article submitted to the 21. Yüzyıl Magazine discuss emergence of a
transnational concept of youth, by comparing with the first wave of
globalization (Turkish,
June, 2004)
28 Mart ve 24 Nisan Sonrasında AKP:
Kurumlaşmaya Doğru...: This short paper evaluates current situation in
Turkish politics following the local elections and the referendrum in Cyprus (Turkish,
May 2004)
Özgürlük: This paper published in the "21.Yüzyıl" Magazine discusses
tradeoff between liberty and existence (Turkish, April 2004)
Kuşak Çatışması Değişimin Fay Hattı mı?:
This short paper published in the "21. Yüzyıl" Magazine discusses the
relationship between the generation gap and social change (Turkish, March
28 Mart 2004 Yerel Seçimlerine Doğru:
AKP’yi Bekleyen Engel ve Fırsatlar: This paper discusses possible
outcomes of local elections (Turkish, January 2004)
Türk Gençlerinin İnsan
Hakları Konusundaki tutumlarının Belirleyicileri: Bir Çok Değişkenli
Analiz Denemesi: This paper tries to explore determinants of Turkish youth's
opinions about the Human Rights (Turkish)
Metodoloji Üzerine Bir Kaç Söz: This
essay discusses and clarify our methodological preferences during the field
research aiming exploring attitudes of Turkish youth towards the Human Rights
3 Kasım
Seçimlerinden 6 Ay Sonra: Fırsat ve Engeller: This paper tries to
explore opportunities and threats towards the AKP government, 6 months after.
3 Kasım Seçimleri Sonrası Bir
This paper aims to discuss results of November 3rd General
Elections and possible political developments following elections, (Turkish)
3 Kasım Seçimlerine Doğru:
This paper aims to discuss possible results of November 3rd General
Elections, written in November 2002 (Turkish)
64 Pire
Sıçradığı Zaman: This
paper is written to discuss possible results of November 3rd Elections, by
especially emphasizing on factors motivating Turkish voters. Written in
September 2002 (Turkish)
Speculations about the Day After: This
paper is written to speculate about scenarios after a possible withdrawal of
Prime Minister Ecevit, in May 2002 (English)
Timing of the Next Elections:
paper is written to speculate about timing of the next elections, written in
February 2002 (English)