  • Turkish Youth and Political Participation:1999-2003:  This paper tries to present change and continuities in political participation of the Turkish youth based on a representative survey (English, submitted to "Türk Gençliği ve Katılım" book to be published by ARI Movement)

  • Türk Gençliği ve Katılım: 1999-2003: This paper tries to present change and continuities in political participation of the Turkish youth based on a representative survey (Turkish, submitted to "Türk Gençliği ve Katılım" book to be published by ARI Movement)

  • Seçim Sistemleri ve Siyasal SonuçlarıThis paper tries to describe and discuss electoral systems and their political consequences by specially emphasizing on two criteria: Representativeness and Stability. In this paper you can find several indices developed to measure above criteria, a worldwide comparison of alternative electoral systems and the Turkish electoral systems. (Turkish)

  • Sandalyeleri Yeniden DağıtmakThis essay is based on my publication with Ali Çarkoğlu about "Fairness in the Apportionment of Seats in Turkish Legislature: Is There Room for Improvement" and discusses hypothetical results of the 1999 General Elections if alternative methods of apportionment would be prefferred. (Turkish)